During this January, a bit monotonous, we decided to bring joy to your morning, publishing with great pleasure, the Mark and Valentina's wedding, a couple of spouses who have give us lot of fun as well as work.
Valentina, is a beautiful bride, elegant and helpful, Marco a fantastic husband and decidedly out of the ordinary.
An exclusive wedding took place in Versilia an exclusive part of Tuscany wet by the mediterranean sea.
This wedding was original both for the location that for the organization, beginning with the particular Church of Azzano, a small village on the mountains above Forte dei Marmi, passing through the piles of wood, which served as the backdrop for the shoot of our spouses and finally a beautiful sunset over the sea.
From the outstanding terrace of 'Hotel Principe Forte Dei Marmi', spouses and their guests enjoied the dinner by the pool and wild dancing.
Spouses young and full of life that could not fail to end the day with a dip in the pool.
Hoping that our work is appreciated wish you good vision.